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Home Page

Year 3 - Firenze

Welcome to Year 3 


Welcome to Year 3's Class Page! Here you will find useful updates and information in regards to your child's class and their current learning. If your child is self isolating then please look at our subject areas  at the bottom of this webpage, in order to find details about the learning we have completed in class this week and to download the worksheets and resources that we have been using and make use of the links to online games and activities.


Thank you for your continued support and if you require any additional support then do not hesitate to contact the school. 


Mrs Tranter, Mr Allmark, Mrs Headdon and Miss Hathaway. 


P.S. Remember not all learning is English, Math and Science. Playing a game with your family, being crafty and making models, helping in the kitchen with cooking and baking are all different learning skills. Be Safe, Stay Positive and Have Fun with all the different activities and family time at home.

                                    SUMMER HOLIDAYS


We thought that we would put together some packs of work that you can do over the Summer Holidays should you want to. Do not worry about getting it all done, it is just so you have something if you are bored!


There is a mixture of different activities, much like the things we would be doing in school on the last few days before the Summer Holidays.


We hope you have an AMAZING Summer Holidays!!!

Looking for Computing Ideas to do at home?......then look no further! (10th April)

A great book for you to read with your child about Coronavirus (9th April)

Daily Budgeting- This is a great way to start your day while your children are at home, place their drink morning snack and drink into a container on the side so children have structure for their day like school, it is also very helpful for budgeting food on a daily basis.
