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Year R and KS1

These are the objectives that will be covered in Year R and KS1 for Privacy and Security. Lots of these objectives will be covered more than once over the year. Each year group will build on the knowledge gained in the previous year group.


Year R

  • I can identify some simple examples of my personal information (e.g. name, address, birthday, age, location).
  • I can describe who would be trustworthy to share this information with; I can explain why they are trusted.


Year 1

  • I can explain how passwords are used to protect information, accounts and devices.
  • I can recognise more detailed examples of information that is personal to someone (e.g where someone lives and goes to school, family names).
  • I can explain why it is important to always ask a trusted adult before sharing any personal information online, belonging to myself or others.


Year 2

  • I can explain how passwords can be used to protect information, accounts and devices.
  • I can explain and give examples of what is meant by ‘private’ and ‘keeping things private’.
  • I can describe and explain some rules for keeping personal information private (e.g. creating and protecting passwords).

  • I can explain how some people may have devices in their homes connected to the internet and give examples (e.g. lights, fridges, toys, televisions).