At Roman Way Primary School we actively seek to prevent safeguarding issues and are vigilant in our pursuit of keeping our children safe and happy. This underpins our Rights, Respecting ethos. We work with various national organisations such as NSPCC, Stop Campaign, Anti-Bullying Alliance as well as local, professional bodies to ensure we follow best Safeguarding practice. Please see our Safeguarding Policy for more information.
We are unique in this school because we have six, fully qualified Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) to ensure our children are safe and happy throughout their time at school. All staff have safeguarding high on their agenda and is a very important part of our curriculum.
Ms Jones DSL | Mrs Abbott DSL
| Mrs Eve DSL |
Miss Cohen DSL
| Miss Cannell DSL
Mrs Franklin DSL
Children at primary school are naturally inquisitive about their own and other people's bodies. This is perfectly normal but we do need to ensure that they know how to keep themselves safe. This video from the NSPCC is a fun but informative way of explaining to children about keeping what's in their pants private. Please share and discuss with your child.
Thank you
We have adopted a national campaign ‘Make a NO!SE about bullying’ from the anti-bullying alliance. Every member of staff is trained to be an active listener. Our Headteacher is the designated Anti-bullying Lead Officer.
We regularly reinforce the importance of e-safety throughout the school day, both in and out of classrooms. We regularly hold awareness sessions for parents.
Prevent Training
All senior leaders have been trained in 'Prevent', all staff have been made aware of this strategy and it's importance in combating extremism. This forms part of our Safeguarding procedures.
In our school we adhere to the United Nations Convention for Rights of a Child (UNCRC) and believe that all children have the right to be safe.