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School Meals

School Meals

The Government have made a commitment to fund school meals for all Key Stage 1 Children from 1 September 2014.  Therefore all children in Years R, 1 and 2 will automatically qualify for a Free School Meal.  Your child will be offered a meal on a daily basis during registration time at school.  However, if your KS1 child is eligible for Free School Meals, please register them with Hampshire County Council.  The school will receive additional Pupil Premium funding from the Government for all FSM registered children (KS1 & KS2), this helps the school to fund specialist staff and necessary school resources and equipment.


If your child is in Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) you can find out if you are eligible to apply for free school meals by clicking here.  If you know your child is entitled to Free School Meals and you have not made a claim, please do so by clicking here.


A school meal will consist of two courses; the main course will be hot which will include a meat or non-meat main item, vegetables, potato, pasta or rice or salad.  Please click on the link below to find out the dinner options for this term.


If you pay for a school dinner the cost is £3.20 per day, you are not required to complete any paperwork for this option your child will automatically be offered a school meal during registration time.  School meal payments can be made online via our online payments system.

School Dinner Menu November 2024 - April 2025

Packed Lunches

If your child brings a packed lunch to school, please support us in encouraging healthy choices at lunch time. Fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate bars should not be brought to school.  We are a nut free school therefore please can you refrain from putting nuts and nut products in your child's packed lunch, thank you. Please click on the following link for helpful ideas 
