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Forest School

Forest School Sessions


Autumn Term 1



Forest School sessions for w/c 2nd September


        Monday - INSET DAY

Tuesday - None

Wednesday - Year 3

Thursday - Year 1

Friday - None


Forest School sessions for w/c 9th September


Monday - Year 5 

Tuesday - Year 4

Wednesday - Year 6

Thursday - Year 2

Friday - None


Forest School sessions for w/c 16th September


Monday - None 

Tuesday - None

Wednesday - Year 3

Thursday - None

Friday - Year 1


Forest School sessions for w/c 23rd September


Monday - Year 5

Tuesday - Year 4

Wednesday - Year 6

Thursday - Year 2

Friday - Year R


Forest School sessions for w/c 30th September


Monday - None 

Tuesday - None

Wednesday - Year 3

Thursday - None

Friday - INSET DAY 


Forest School sessions for w/c 7th October


Monday - Year 5

Tuesday - Year 4

Wednesday - Year 6

Thursday - Year 2

Friday - Year R


Forest School sessions for w/c 14th October


Monday - Year R

Tuesday - None

Wednesday - Year 3

Thursday - None

Friday - Year 1


Forest School sessions for w/c 21st October


Monday - Year 5

Tuesday - Year 4

Wednesday - Year 6

Thursday - Year 2

Friday - Year R















Forest School is underway at Roman Way Primary School, sessions were piloted with Year 1 in April 2016 (Summer Term) and proved very successful.  The sessions are now offered to all year groups at Roman Way Primary School. 


Our Forest School Lead Teacher is Mrs Reid. In addition to our staff members we also welcome any volunteer parents.


The children are enjoying the Forest School sessions and so far have already started to cultivate a vegetable patch,  built dens and animal shelters, made elder and stick men, explored the school woodland, made bows and arrows, cooked hot chocolate and marshmallows on the camp fire and much more.  The children are given the chance to go into Forest School after lunch come rain or shine, and are allowed to explore their natural surroundings and lead on their chosen outdoor activities within Forest School; whether that is running, hiding, rolling, model making, insect hunting, building bug houses, mark making with embers, whittling, excavating, cooking on a camp fire and building dens. It all helps to encourage learning, play, and grow a sense of admiration, respect and passion for the outdoor environment and nature.



What we know about Forest School is that there are many benefits for the children, these include:


Physical health benefits:

Increased gross motor movement. Increased oxygen levels improve brain function. Sunlight increases vitamin D production which leads to increased resilience to illness.


Social benefits:

Communication, teambuilding and language skills are developed.


Wellbeing benefits:

Reduction in levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in the brain.  Being outside offers time to relax and have fun.


Risk awareness:

Playing outside allows a child to learn about risk assessment and risk taking. Children that are exposed to acceptable levels of risk at a young age are less likely to make bad judgements in the future.



Forest School also offers a range of other Value Added Benefits, such as:

  • Rich supply of resources and materials for use in other curriculum areas
  • Opportunities to involve parents and wider community
  • Chance for staff to observe students in a different setting
  • Opportunities for staff to learn new skills, and enjoy the benefits of Forest School too!
  • Offers an alternative to our over reliance on digital and electronic sources for recreation, learning, socialising
  • Offers an opportunity to become fitter and healthier
  • Children and adults learn to recognise and assess risks for themselves


What I love about Forest School is EVERYTHING!  Poppy - Year 1
