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Our School Day

Starting School

Roman Way primary school has classes ranging from Year R to Year 6. There is an induction programme in place which helps smooth the transition to the school environment, led by school staff and other professional colleagues from the health service and children’s centre. In addition to this you will be offered a home visit by the class teacher to allow for a more personal link to be made between the classroom and home.



School Timings

8:40am - Doors open

8:50am - Registration

10:30 - 10:50am – Key Stage 1 Playtime

10:40 - 11:00am – Key Stage 2 Playtime

12:00 – 1:00pm - Lunch Break

3:15pm - End of school day


The school is open typically for  32.5 hours a week.


For the first two terms of the school year (September - April), Year R children should enter via their classroom doors. From Year 1, all children are expected to enter via the pupil entrance which is at the opposite end to the main school entrance. Parents are not permitted entry into the main school but may go to the school office which is open from 8:30am – 3:30pm. At the end of the day children leave their classrooms via the room’s fire doors. If a parent wishes to see a member of staff they are required to make an appointment.

