Schools are able to decide how to best spend their Pupil Premium. However we are held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families.
The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for FSM in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. Please note in 2012-13 the government extended the funding to include any children who have been eligible for FSM in the previous six years (Ever6).
A premium has also been introduced for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces. This service premium is designed to address the emotional and social well-being of these pupils. Please note service premium has now been extended to include any children whose parents have been in the armed services in the last five years even if not currently serving.
In addition there is a premium, paid termly, for children who have been in care for 24 hours or more in the previous term.
To check if your child is eligible for free school meals and to sign up if you are, is a really simple on-line process. Just go to and click on “check to see if you are eligible for free meals”. You will be asked to input your national insurance number and date of birth. This is an easy online service that will give you a quick answer to see if your child is eligible.
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Please find a link below which gives information on how Hampshire County Council supports service families.