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Personal, Social & Health Education

PSHE is a central part of our learning journey at Roman Way and covers many aspects from feelings, emotions, friendships, British Values and more. We often build these learning experiences into multiple learning scenarios throughout the curriculum and school week.

Have a look at our growing resources for children to reflect on discussions and learning from school and use them to encourage children to share their learning at home as well as stretching their understanding.

COVID 19 - Child Friendly Explanation Book

Elena's Quarantine Story

ROBert explains the corona virus to children | PLAYMOBIL

The whole world is talking about the corona virus. Daycares and schools have closed, and children are asking a lot of questions. This movie uses PLAYMOBIL to...

Emotional Awareness Statements


For The Birds

Watch this video and think about the following things:
What do the characters do?
How do the characters feel?
How would you feel in this situation?
What would you say to the characters?
