English WC - 16th March 2020
In English this week we have been focusing on exploring what a good narrative looks like, how to identify and use fronted adverbials within our writing and we have started to plan our own Roman myths which are inspired by the myth 'Romulus and Remus'.
To familiarize yourself with the story of 'Romulus and Remus' and to question your child, please see below the attachment of the written story.
Please use the word bank below to create sentences with your child at home, explaining the importance of the use of a comma after the fronted adverbial - you can find the worksheet we used to practice this skill.
On Thursday and Friday we started to plan our own myth and decided on changing key aspects from our key text 'Romulus and Remus' - please find the worksheet attached below so you can plan your myth with your child at home.