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History  - The Romans


WC 23rd March - 


As this is the last week of our project 'The Romans', to show your child's learning from this History project please create a 'Google Doodle'. See the examples below for inspiration, each letter should show an aspect of the historical period to encapsulate the Roman era. 



As part of their 'Google Doodle' your child could think about drawing: 


- Roman soldier uniform 

- Roads

- Roman architecture 

- Roman food 

- Celts (Boudica) 

- Pompeii and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius

- Italy, the city of Rome

- Romulus and Remus 

- Mosaics 

- Roman Gods 

- Roman Numerals 

Additional Project Activities 


Please find attachments below to fun Roman themed activities you can do with your child at home to support their learning. 




As part of our topic work we designed and created Roman mosaic tiles, have a look at some of the examples below and print off some of the Mosaic Tile sheets to design your own mosaic. 

Roman Columns

Recently we made Roman columns after looking at their design and purpose in Roman Times. We used strong card, sticky tape, a base and included our own Roman designs. 

Have a look at our finished products in the slideshow below.

Roman Bread

Last week we finished off our Design & Technology project of designing and making Roman Bread. We learnt about how the Romans ate bread and the type of toppings that they used. 

In our Art books we sketched a design of our bread thinking carefully about the shape and toppings that we wanted to use, then we followed a recipe carefully to make the dough and letting it prove. 

Afterwards we knocked back the bread, shaped it and cooked it in the staff room oven. They smelled amazing and we took them home at the end of the day.

Have a look at some of our images of the process below.
