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Year 5 - Siena

Hello Year 5s (soon to be Year 6s!)

It's the final week of Year 5! I've attached some learning which is more fun based for this week - similar kinds of activities that you'd be doing if you were in school. I particularly like the pictures from Harris Burdick - they could lead to all sorts of creative and spooky stories!


It's been a funny sort of a year and it's certainly been very strange not being able to see you all and help you with your learning but I hope you've been giving it a go at home. Please keep reading over the holidays - Mr Parkinson has sent an email about how to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge this year which is slightly different as it's all online but details about how to join in are on the 'School Library' page on the website.

Make sure you still follow the Government guidelines to keep yourselves, families and communities safe over the holidays.

Finally, and most importantly, remember to have fun over the holidays! It might be that you're not able to go on 'a proper holiday' this year but I look forward to hearing about your visits to family and friend's houses and maybe even a trip to the beach or just playing in the garden with siblings. 


I'm really looking forward to seeing you when we come back to school in September. 

Miss Candy



While We Can't Hug

Added 22nd May. Hedgehog and Tortoise want to give each other a great big hug, but they're not allowed to touch. From the creators of the internationally adored The Hug, Eoi...

11th May 


BBC daily lessons have a mixture of English, Maths and another different subject each day with free videos, interactive activities and worksheets to complete.

Please be aware that there has been a change to the White Rose daily lesson website if you have been using this. There are still FREE daily lesson, however, now a subscription is needed to access the worksheet. You do not need to subscribe to anything but please use the free link to the BBC daily lessons which has more than enough for you to have a go at.

I know a lot of you are using more technology than you might normally so just a quick reminder to keep yourself safe and follow the 'SMART' rules at all times (added 30th April)

Added 20th April - Covid-19 time capsule pack

Year Five Home Learning

To support with learning at home in this challenging time, please feel free to use both Year 5 class pages for ideas and tasks to complete at home. There are also some useful ideas on the 'Spring Learning at Roman Way' page for other ideas that you may find useful.

Please copy the questions on to a piece of paper or the books in the packs given out by school (which are still available to collect if you are safe and well) and complete.


Calling all witches and wizards! 

J.K. Rowling and Wizarding World have created a fantastic new website, specifically for home learning! How cool is that? You’ll find all the latest magical treats to keep you occupied - including special contributions from Bloomsbury and Scholastic, nifty magical craft videos (teach your friends how to draw a Niffler!), fun articles, quizzes, puzzles and plenty more for first-time readers, as well as those already familiar with the wizarding world.


Calling all future scientists, engineers, astronauts, weather reporters, inventors, mathematicians, geniuses and other awesome jobs!

Check out the latest activities set by the STEM team (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and by NASA 

These sites are filled with exciting activities like making your own space rocket and the science behind how it works, colouring, games and fun experiments to do at home!


Keep an eye on the blue tits in our school bird box - they seem to be starting to build something...!


If any children are feeling particularly anxious about the virus, this may help them to understand:


As well as these tasks, please remind your children to read every day. They have a log in for our eLibrary in the front of their reading diaries. You can download the ePlatform app or visit


For those who may need additional support with their Phonics - PhonicsPlay is a great, game based website that is currently free to all users with the following code:



There are many authors who are offering online read-alouds and activities - see the link below: 


There are also many fantastic education companies who have offered their services and resources for free although you may need to set up a free account before you can download any activity sheets - see the link below:


Miss Candy and Mrs Wright


Weekly Timetable

26.3.20 English activities based around 'The Tempest'

Home Learning sheet - Spring 2
