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Miss Candy's message!

22nd May


Hello Siena, 


The sunshine is back! I hope you're all making sure that you're wearing suncream and sun hats when you're outside or on your walks outside. I've added the school nurse bulletin onto the PHSCE page for you and your adults to look through. Did you know it's Mental Health Awareness week this week? So make sure you take time to look after you this week! The theme is 'kindness' so why not perform a random act of kindness for a family member? 


I wonder if any of you who have been planting and growing vegetables and other plants have had much success? Although the sun has been lovely, we could do with some rain to help them grow! If you have got anything growing, I'd love to see them! Get your grown up to send a picture of them to the home learning email to add onto the school webpage.


Some of you may have read the letter sent out about school preparing for more children to return to school before the summer holidays. Although I am disappointed year 5 weren't on that initial list from the Government (because I miss all your faces), I hope that you're all still following the rules at home and protecting yourselves and your families as much as you can. Please be reassured that Roman Way is doing everything we can to make sure that when you or others do return, it's a safe space for those returning, even if it may look slightly different because of it. 


I'll be ringing you all again next week to catch up on how you're getting on and if you have any other requests for activities to add to the website so start having a think. Looking forward to chatting to you soon!


Miss Candy

11th May


Hello again - only me!

It was so so wonderful to speak to most of you last week and hear about all the things you've been up to. I was very impressed to know that many of you are trying your best to stick to some sort of a work schedule which also includes having lots of fun. It was so amazing to hear your voices and it had made me miss you all more! After asking some of you what other things you'd like to see on the website, I've added a 'puzzles' sub-page which I will add to as and when I find things that I think might interest you. 


I know a lot of you are still practising times tables back at home, I have been challenged on times tables rock stars on the 'ROCKSLAM' section! You can challenge other people as well as me so why not give it a go? I've challenged some of you back, I hope you like my rock star name  


If you haven't already, have a look at the Gallery page to watch the video that most of the staff have made. 

Hopefully I'll see you or speak to you all soon!

Miss Candy


30th April


Where has that sunny weather gone?  On the plus side, it's helping the grass and plants to grow so I can't complain. Plus, Ziggy loves paddling in the puddles (and don't tell anyone but so do I!).


I've seen that 2 of you have had a go at Times Tables Rock Stars - well done you two! For the rest of you, your log ins are the same as your ePlatform and the password is 'maths' so why not give it a try? I have had a go and it's quite fun!


Keep your eyes peeled on the website as lots of staff members have organised a special little message for you all to let you know how much we think of you and miss you. See if you can spot me and Mrs Wright! It's hopefully going up soon we just need to put it altogether.


Keep sending in the work you've done at home for me and the other teachers to see, we really do love hearing and seeing what you're up to at home! 


Missing you lots,

Miss Candy



20th April



Dear Siena,


I hope you all had a relaxing Easter holiday. The government have decided we need to continue to stay at home so that we can keep our population as safe as possible which means schools are still closed to the majority of you but it does NOT mean that your teachers and staff in school have stopped thinking about you all. We miss you very much!


I will continue to keep adding content to the different sections on the website and I will also add the date that I added it so you know it isn't old content that you may have already completed. Well done to those of you who are having a go at these activities, I hope you're finding them interesting. I really hope that you're all continuing to read every day as this is so important to everyday life as an adult and it lets your imagination run wild even if you can't leave the house.


I have added a new challenge for you all on Times Tables Rock Stars so I wonder if you can beat your top score?

The reading ePlatform should be adding new books for you to read at home since you can't get to the library to change them but there are also free books on 'Audible Stories' for children, you don't even need an account. 


This is a really challenging and difficult time for everyone so keep doing your best to stay positive and help family members around you until it's time to come back to school. 


Until next time!

Miss Candy





1st April

Hello everyone, Happy April!


I can't believe it's come around so fast. Spring is on its way and it's so lovely to see lots of blossom flowering on the trees and the daffodils brightening up my daily walk with Ziggy. Although it's horrible that I can't be with my fantastic Siena class, Ziggy is very glad to have me at home, she's definitely going to miss me when I have to come back. Maybe I'll try and sneak her in! 


I wonder how you're all getting on at home and if anyone has been keeping up with the home learning that I've been posting throughout the week? I wonder who has managed to pull off a successful April Fools' prank today? 


Think of you all,

Miss Candy


p.s. Here's a picture of Ziggy trying hard with her home learning to brighten your day...

26th March

Dear Siena,


Firstly, I hope you're all okay and please know that I'm missing you all lots. I know that I have seen some of you more recently and others not for a couple of weeks but it's very important that we all do our bit to keep everybody as safe and well as possible. 


For the majority of you, you'll be nearing the end of your first week at home and I hope you've managed to find enough things to keep you busy. School feels very empty without you all at the moment but it's still there don't worry! When the Government says you can all come back to school, I'll be there (along with the other Roman Way staff) to great you with a smile and to hear all about everything that you've been doing.


Some of you are still coming into school because your parents are key workers and are still needed to work so that they can help everyone in the country. This doesn't mean that these children are more or less important or special that those of you at home! It's just one of those things that's a little different whilst we fight this virus. If you want to see what these children are getting up to on the days they are in school, there is a page called "Spring Learning at Roman Way" which has pictures of activities. If you're at home, you might want to ask your grown-ups if you can have a go at some of them too.


Most importantly, remember to stay in your house and garden unless you're on a walk/run with your grown-ups and keep washing your hands regularly with warm water and soap. I'll be uploading the photographs of our germ investigation with the bread that we started in school last week on the 'Science' icon on our page - there has already been some surprising developments!


I'll keep finding new ideas and activities for you to do at home (they won't all be Maths and English) with your home grown-ups. As always, keep being the amazing, kind, helpful and brave children that I know you are when you're in school. This is a tricky time but we'll be back together soon enough so try not to worry. If you are worried, make sure you tell someone you trust so they can do their best to help. 


Take care of yourselves and your family. I know there's a lot of news about the bad things that are happening in the world but there are lots of good things happening too! Our environment is thriving because less people are able to travel around, neighbours and businesses are supporting everyone as much as they can, people are volunteering to help those in need and you are able to spend time with your loved ones at home. Stay positive!


I miss you all very much and can't wait to see my Roman Way family again soon. 

Miss Candy



