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Year 4 - Pompeii

                                                                                      SUMMER HOLIDAYS


We thought that we would put together some packs of work that you can do over the Summer Holidays should you want to. Do not worry about getting it all done, it is just so you have something if you are bored!


There is a mixture of different activities, much like the things we would be doing in school on the last few days before the Summer Holidays.


We hope you have an AMAZING Summer Holidays!!!

While We Can't Hug

UPDATE: Now publishing 25th June! Hedgehog and Tortoise want to give each other a great big hug, but they're not allowed to touch. From the creators of the i...

While you are at home, it is so important that you are keeping yourself safe online. Here is a quick reminder to keep yourself safe and follow the 'SMART' rules at all times.

Everyday Essentials


In order for learning gaps not to increase over the closure period, please:

Spring 2 Homework Sheet

Here is an idea of how to budget food daily for children whilst you are at home.

Welcome to Year 4!

This half term we will be exploring 'Crime and Punishment ' through the ages. As a link to this topic, Year 4 will be going on an exciting trip to the Tower of London, one of Britain's most famous fortress and prison. It will be a very early start but the children are very excited about it so please ensure you have handed in your permission slip. The trip will be on Tuesday 4th February. We will be leave school by 7:15am so please ensure you arrive promptly to school by 7am. We will be returning to school for 4:30pm.

As part of the 'Crime and Punishment' topic, the children will be exploring Shakespeare's work 'Macbeth'. The children will be writing character descriptions, recounts, letter and their own play. They will also be using a lot of drama to visualise Shakespeare's play. 

Please make sure your PE kit is definitely in school from a Monday and stays in all half term. As the colder months are closing in please bring long trousers and a jumper for PE as well as suitable shoes. PE will be on Monday and Thursdays.

Please continue to read with your child every day at home and practise their spellings and times tables. We do a times table test every day and a spelling test every Friday. The words and dates are listed below.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and thank you for your support!


Miss Cannell :)

Key Dates 

6th January - INSET

7th January- Children in school

14th February- INSET and last day before half term

24th February - Return to school

26th March- Spring Disco

3rd April -Last day before Easter break

