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A Message from Miss Cannell

Dear Pompeii,

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We were all very lucky to be able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. I spent most of my bank holiday relaxing in the sun attempting to draw (See below) and eating too much chocolate. But as you know that makes a change from the sweets.


The government have decided we need to continue with our special mission of keeping the country safe. This means we need to continue to stay at home. As a result school will remain closed to the majority of you but that does NOT mean that the staff and teachers in school have stopped thinking about you all. I have not seen you all now for over 4 weeks and I can’t tell you how much I miss every single one of you. I continue to wonder how you are doing, how I can help from so far away and wonder how long it will be until I will see you at school again.


I will continue to keep adding content to the different sections on the website and I will also add the date in which the resource were added. There are loads of videos for you to watch and practical ideas to keep you busy. Well done to all of you who have already had a go at some of these activities. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures that you have been sending into school. They really put a smile on my face seeing what you have been up to.


Well done to those who have already logged on to Times Table Rock Star, you are doing a brilliant job, keep it up. I really hope that you’re all continuing to read every day as this is so important to every day life as an adult and it lets your imagination run wild even if you can’t leave the house. I have been diving into the world of Roald Dahl. Using the EPlatfom, I have read Fantastic Mr Fox (Which is very different to the film), The Twits, Danny the champion of the world and Esio Trot (a beautiful book). I am definitely a Roald Dahl fan.  


I will carry on thinking about you every single day. I will laugh at the funny things you have done and wonder if you are still getting better at your handwriting and what you are reading now. I can’t wait to see all your amazing rock star names on Times Table Rock Star.


Thank you to all of you for doing your part for our country and supporting our wonderful NHS. You are fabulous and are saving the lives of so many people. Just like you, others all over the world are doing amazing things for others. Like the incredible captain Tom Moore who has raised over £25,000,000 for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his garden for his 100th birthday. How amazing is that!!! Families all over Britain clap, shout and ring bells every Wednesday at 8pm for the wonderful NHS, I know I do and homes are being filled will the wonderful colours of rainbows to show their support. What have you done to show your support?

This is a very challenging and difficult time for everyone. So keep positive and help your family members around you. I hope you are all safe and well.


Take care of yourselves and your family. I miss you all very much.


Miss Cannell
