Summer 1 - Dinosaurs
Hello Year 1 and your families! You have ALL been doing a fantastic job with your home learning and I am incredibly proud of every one of you! WELL DONE!!
Parents - Just a reminder
Any work that the children need to complete will be on the class webpage on the school website.
Parents - please can you take pictures of all of the work that your child does at home and upload it to Tapestry so that I can have a look at it. I will be looking at ALL of the work that is uploaded and will comment on the observations that are uploaded and give your child targets if necessary.
The children in school will be completing the same work as the children at home so I will also upload any examples of work that we do in school for you to follow at home.
Parents - You have all done an amazing job of home schooling your children and all the time and effort you have put in is really appreciated so thank you so much!!
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Portsmouth, Mrs Prentice and Mrs Wright :)
Castles and Castle Life
I am going to start increasing the amount of work that the children are doing in each lesson per day. This is to prepare them for when they come back to school when their workload will increase. It should help the transition between home learning and coming back to school for your child. Please do not feel like you have to do everything each day, but please do as much as you can.
The Weather
Phonics underpins a lot of what we do in Year 1.
If you would like to do some extra phonics work with your child at home, it would be great if you could go through the Phase 2 sounds with them. All you need to do is point to the sound on the sound mat and they will tell you what it is. There is also a video you can watch if you are unsure of the pronunciation of the sounds.
As we cannot meet face to face in the classroom this year like we usually would, we thought that it would be a nice idea to record a short message introducing ourselves to you and saying what our role is within your child's class. If you would like more information, then have a look at the PowerPoint. Should you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school to arrange a phone call with me.
Click on the links below to access the videos and PowerPoint.
This is the curriculum map for Year 1. We will be following this throughout the year. It includes the topics that your child will be learning about which we will also teach through our English lessons.
As the children missed so much of their Year R learning, much of what we cover in the beginning of the year will be what was missed in Year R. We are very lucky to have 2 classrooms where one is set up very much like Year R and the other is for more formal learning. This will enable the children to continue their play based learning which is really important for their development and learn independently. There are many different activities set up each day which the children can choose to do alongside challenges should the children choose to do them.
In order to catch the children up in phonics, we will be doing 2 phonics lessons a day. This will allow us to teach 2 sounds each day. As phonics is so important, we will also be doing phonics interventions in the afternoons in small groups which every child will be participating in. This will allow them to embed the sounds taught and apply them to writing words.
We have PE every Monday afternoon, so please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on a Monday. As the colder weather comes, children can wear a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms to ensure that they stay warm.