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Forest School 23.10.20

As the children have worked incredibly hard this half term, we thought we would reward them with a WHOLE day of Forest School!


We started off by having a fire in the fire pit and then cooking hot dogs on the fire. They then got to enjoy their hot dog in a roll with ketchup. They loved them! Some of them even got ketchup round their faces!


They got time to explore the forest making sure that they were following the Forest School rules. They behaved brilliantly and loved being able to run around with their friends. Some of them even rolled around in the mud!! They went home very muddy!


In the afternoon, the children did a nature scavenger hunt. They had to search the woods and the field for different coloured leaves and an acorn. When they had found them, they were rewarded with a doughnut!! They have been spolit today!


They children had a fantastic day - I do hope they tell you all about it when they get home.


Check out the pictures below to see what they got up to.


Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely half term :)
