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Forest School 25.9.20

Year 1 were extremely lucky to be selected for the first Forest School sessions of the year! 


We had a brilliant couple of days in the woods. Mr Hodgson, who is our Forest School teacher, took them out to the field and went through the Forest School rules with them.


Forest School Rules:

1 - Look after yourself.

2 - Look after each other.

3 - Look after nature.

4 - Don't pick, don't lick.


The children picked up the rules quickly and could remember all of them on our second session.


He also went through some recall activities with them. The children are free to explore the woods independently, but when Mr H calls '1-2-3' the children must respond '3-2-1' and run to wherever it is that he is standing. They must do this quickly, sensibly and safely.


As the children were so well behaved on Thursday morning, on Friday afternoon we had a fire and the children made S'mores. The put the marshmallow on cleaned down sticks and then toast them in the fire themselves. They are taught how to do this safely before hand. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and they all had chocolate and marshmallows round their mouths when they had finished eating!


Here are a few pictures of our exciting few days! I wonder if your children can spot themselves in the pictures!
