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w.c. 27.4.20 - Direct Speech

To complete this activity, you DO NOT need to read the book. You only have to watch the video. The book has been added as an additional extra if you would like to read it. 

BBC Bitesize Wind in the Willows Video

Wind in the Willows book

You can also read The Wind in the Willows book. Click on the link above and it will take you to the globalgreybooks page. Scroll down and click on the blue PDF link. This will take you to the book.



English work for w.c. 27.4.20


The children are to watch the video on BBC Bitesize 'The Open Road' (the link is available above).

They then need to write a conversation that would fit one of the following scenarios:

A conversation between Mole and Rat on their way to Toad's house.

A conversation between Mole, Rat and Toad at Toad's house.

A conversation between Mole, Rat and Toad when they see the motor car fall into the ditch.

Try and use different words for 'said' to make your speech more interesting!

Direct speech example - This is from The Wind in the Willows book. There is a link to this above. - 27.4.20


“I don’t know that I think so very much of that little song, Rat,” observed the Mole cautiously. He was no poet himself and didn’t care who knew it; and he had a candid nature.

“Nor don’t the ducks neither,” replied the Rat cheerfully. “They say, ’Why can’t fellows be allowed to do what they like when they like and as they like, instead of other fellows sitting on banks and watching them all the time and making remarks and poetry and things about them? What nonsense it all is!’ That’s what the ducks say.”

“So it is, so it is,” said the Mole, with great heartiness.

“No, it isn’t!” cried the Rat indignantly.

“Well then, it isn’t, it isn’t,” replied the Mole soothingly. “But what I wanted to ask you was, won’t you take me to call on Mr. Toad? I’ve heard so much about him, and I do so want to make his acquaintance.”

“Why, certainly,” said the good-natured Rat, jumping to his feet and dismissing poetry from his mind for the day. “Get the boat out, and we’ll paddle up there at once. It’s never the wrong time to call on Toad. Early or late, he’s always the same fellow. Always good-tempered, always glad to see you, always sorry when you go!”

“He must be a very nice animal,” observed the Mole, as he got into the boat and took the sculls, while the Rat settled himself comfortably in the stern.



Features of direct speech in an example - 27.4.20


1 - Beginning and end - Keep your inverted commas at the beginning and the end of the words being spoken.

e.g. "Stop!" I said.


2 - New line, New speaker - Start a new line whenever someone new speaks.

"How are you doing today?" asked Henry.

"I'm great!" replied Adam.


3 - Capital letter - Begin what is spoken with a capital letter.

"What an amazing day!" he announced.


4 - Commas - Remember to add commas

Ashton whispered, "Be quiet!"

"Goodbye," said Jules.


5 - Punctuation - Make sure your speech is correctly punctuated.

"There are times, I feel, that you are a little cold," I said.



So it is, so it is, said the Mole, with great heartiness.


No, it isn’t! cried the Rat indignantly.


Inverted commas

Reporting clause

Capital letter

