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Understanding The World

Understanding the World is how children get to know about other people, the place where they live and about all aspects of the environment.

Understanding the World is broken down into three aspects:

  • People and Communities
  • The World
  • Technology

Here are some ideas to help your child understand the world around them.


1. Sort objects from around the house. Think of different ways your child could sort the objects for example things that are heavy and light, soft and hard, float or sink. 


2. Shadow drawing. Place toys or objects on a piece of paper in the sun and get children to draw around the shadows.


3. Freeze some toys in a bowl of water. Once frozen let your child explore the ice. Can they think of dome ways to free the toys? 


4. Go on a pattern hunt. Patterns are everywhere! See what patterns you can find in nature, can your child explain what they see and draw the patterns?


5. Make a family picture album and talk about your family members with your child. 
