Hello Parents/Carers,
I hope you all had a lovely Easter eating lots of chocolate and I hope that you managed to enjoy the glorious sunshine. It has been great seeing some of your home learning on the school website. A special thanks to those of you who have sent pictures of your home learning to me through Tapestry. If you haven't activated your Tapestry account yet please check your emails for a link inviting you to join. As we have had a lot of lovely weather recently, I thought it would be a great idea to encourage your children to get outside and explore the garden or an outside area (whilst maintaining social distancing of course.) I have uploaded some work around the theme of Minibeasts for you to do with your child but please remember this is still a very unsettling time for a lot of children so don't worry if you don't do all of the work. Play is equally as important for learning at this age. Myself, Ms Morgan and Mrs Winchcombe are missing you all very much, we hope that you are all well and safe.
Take care from Miss Tucker and the Year R team.