Here is a selection of the Maths work that we have been doing in school.
Number formation - The children need to use a pencil to write the number inside the outline.
1 more - The children need to find 1 more than the given number, They can do this in their head, by using various objects you have around the house and adding 1 more and counting them or by using a number line.
1 less - The children need to find 1 less than the given number, They can do this in their head, by using various objects you have around the house and subtracting 1 and counting them or by using a number line.
Number cards - It would be brilliant if you could print these out and then cut them up for your child. Then muddle them up and ask your child to match the number to the picture representing that number.
If you could take a picture of any work that your child completes at home if they are well enough and upload it to tapestry, that would be amazing. I would love to see what your child has been getting up to at home.