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Lesson 3-5 Story writing

Writing task 

Part 1 - Listen to "The Secret of the Black Rock" being read on youtube again.  Think of some ideas about a story you could write about another family who live near the sea.  The family could work in fishing too?   Or  on the life boats? There could be a storm.  What happens to their boat?  Tell your story to your grown up then plan your story using the story planner


Part 2 - Write your story up - use your Year 2 objectives we have been practising -  adjectives,  alliteration, similes, conjunctions and time words.  Remember to add extra details as you write (remember how much you were writing in your English books at school...!)


Part 3 - Proof read, check and edit - spelling, capital letters/full stops, sentences make sense/sound like the Queen, add/improve your adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions
