Take 5
The Take 5 Ideas have been created for schools to share with parents and carers as part of home learning.
They are designed to allow children to develop their own responses to Power of Reading texts they may have studied or will be studying in school.
Each set of notes contains five simple activities which will develop children’s comprehension skills and strategies and develop their imagination and creativity for writing, linked to the National Curriculum.
The five key areas covered in the activities are:
Day 1 - Monday
Explore it: Reading of text and/or illustrations and questions to develop children's awareness of language and vocabulary, including how this can be used for effect.
Day 2 - Tuesday
Illustrate it: Drawing tasks to develop children's visualisation skills - a key aspect of comprehension.
Day 3- Wednesday
Talk about it: Questions or talking points to support children's understanding of key parts of the text, encouraging them to refer back to the text to support their ideas.
Day 4 - Thursday
Imagine it: Talking points and questions that encourage deeper responses to texts, thinking beyond the text and linking to real life knowledge and understanding.
Day 5 - Friday
Create it: A range of different ideas for writing in response to a text, developing children's imagination and creative ideas.
We have also linked our writing activities to the Take 5 books. This means the children have a in-depth understanding of the book and their writing. Work through each days reading activity first then move onto the days writing task. They are all linked and make transitions from one task to the next easy.