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A Message from Miss Portsmouth

Dear Milano,


I am writing this because for most of you it has been almost 3 weeks since I last saw you because of the virus that is spreading and your parents and carers have had to keep you at home to keep you and everyone else safe.


For almost all of you, this was your first week at home. When we come back to school some things may have changed. It won’t be spring term anymore, you may have grown, and you may have lost a tooth! There will also be things that are same. Your teachers will all be there to greet you with a beaming smile and your friends will all be waiting to hear about all the exciting activities you have been doing.


I will carry on thinking about you every single day. I will laugh at the funny things you have done and wonder if you are still getting better at your handwriting and what you are reading now. I hope that you are doing the very important job you have been given to help stop the spread of the virus by washing your hands as much as possible while singing Happy Birthday over and over.  I will continue to add activities to this class page for you to do (don’t worry they won’t be all Maths and English activities), and I will still care about you and wonder how you are. Hopefully you’ll think about me too sometimes, in between your Lego challenges.


I want you to know some important things:

  • Don’t be frightened. You may hear some things that you are worried about, but these are not worries for you. If you are worried, talk to an adult that you trust. Tell someone you trust about your worries and let them look after it for you.
  • You may have heard that some children are still going to school. This is true. We are taking care of them while their parents or carers are at work because they have the very important job of looking after everyone in the country.
  • There are lots of good things happening too. There is less air travel and as a result the environment is getting a bit of a rest and who knows, we may become better at looking after our environment. People are talking to each other and offering to help each other more and volunteering to help those in need. People are also spending more time with their loved ones. This is a lovely thing.
  • Even though you are missing school, you can still learn and try your best at everything you do. You may even learn some new skills to share with me when you return to school. 


I hope you are all safe and well. We are on an adventure and like all adventures, we can learn something new and be incredibly brave.

Take care of yourselves and your family. I miss you all.


Miss Portsmouth

