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Message from Miss Portsmouth

Hi Milano!


I hope that you are all doing ok and that yourselves and your family are keeping safe. 


Where has the sunshine gone?! The weather definitely isn't as good as what it was which is making me a bit upset sad

I can't spend as much time in the garden as I was. I wonder what you have been up to?


I hope you all received the letters that I wrote to you and that you enjoyed reading them. I have loved reading the replies that I have received! They have put such a big smile on my face laugh If you haven't replied and would like to, I would love to read more letters. Please, please, please remember to ask your adults permission before writing back though!


I have been recording myself reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for you to enjoy listening to. I have uploaded them to our class page. I wonder how many of you have found them and watched them? It's one of my favourite books (as you know)! and I thought it would be a really nice idea for you to listen to it while you are at home.


If you would like to to some work, there is always lots of new things being uploaded to our webpage for you to enjoy. Don't worry about doing all of it, just choose what you would interest you.


I hope to see all of your smiling faces soon, but only when it is safe to do so.


Stay happy and safe.


Love Miss Portsmouth x
